AMSF Biography: Dr. George Burgess

Dr. George Burgess

Dr. George Burgess, a missionary for the United Church of Canada, spent 23 years serving in Angola. As a medical doctor, he served from 1954-1977 in many hospitals in Angola, including the Dondi Mission Station, Elende, Bailundo, Bunjei and Camundongo. He also taught nurses at Dondi who have provided medical services to Angolans even during the civil war when government medical services were limited.

Dr. Burgess also served as a doctor at the Hospital at Queen Charlotte City, BC from 1946-1988 and the Hospital in Baie Verte, Newfoundland from 1977-1985. He was the director of a hospital in Papua, New Guinea from 1985-1988 and continued to serve as a doctor in many hospitals across Canada until his retirement at 80 in 2001.

In 1977, Dr. Burgess was the last missionary to be forced out of the country by civil war. During that year, he was also the only missionary doctor in central Angola that was associated with the Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola.

Most recently, Dr. Burgess managed the Angola Rotary Medical Project in cooperation with the Church in Angola and the staff in 10 medical posts, the Christian Medical Committee, and the Rotary Club of Luanda, Angola. The project worked to provide basic medical supplies to eleven nursing stations serving the neediest populations in several regions of Angola.

Dr. George Burgess passed away on Monday, March 29, 2010 in his 90th year.