Through selectively directed programs and projects in education and training, AMSF seeks to create a solid foundation which can serve as a self-perpetuating wellspring to enhance the health, welfare and spiritual life of the peoples of Angola. AMSF pledges itself to work for all Angolans regardless of their ethnic origin, gender or religious affiliation.
For more than 30 years, the mission of the AMSF has been the provision of scholarship aid to train leaders for the Angolan Church and Nation. Emphasis have been on higher education and the development of technical skills to enable service in both urban and rural settings. These needs are still valid and important.
Today, however, new challenges present themselves, not to replace those mentioned above, but to add to them. These are the primary and secondary education of boys and girls and leadership development among women. Ironically, these new challenges are in fact old, but they are made new by the effects of the war, resulting in the destruction of previously functioning schools and the high mortality rate within Angola’s male population. In some cases, scholarship aid may be possible here as with higher education. In other cases where no schools or training centers presently exist, requests for AMSF funds to help finance teachers’ salaries and school materials will receive active consideration. This will enable the creation of schools or training centers in existing churches, places of worship or other facilities.
The need to interpret the situation of the Angolan Church and Nation in North America continues to be vital. Creative new ways to communicate the staggering educational and training needs of Angola to present and future donor churches and individuals in a coherent and exciting fashion are essential.