Reverend Whitney Dalrymple served the Church of Christ of Central Angola from 1957 to 1965, first at Currie Institute, and later at Chilesso. When visas for Protestant missionaries wishing to return to Angola were no longer being granted, Rev. Darlrymple was posted by the United Church of Canada to Zambia to serve under the United Church of Zambia where he served from 1971 to 1987.
He served as President of the Angola Memorial Scholarship Fund from 1987-1997 and in 1993 wrote the following to AMSF donors: “Your gifts of love over 23 years have made possible our continued support for education of Angolan students, even during these years of civil war which has brought us so much violence, suffering, and death in that country. Your support for education of Angolans can make a difference to people who cry out to God for help.”