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The Angola Memorial Scholarship Fund is supporting the reconstruction of the Dondi Institute in central Angola. Rehabilitation of this educational center, which was greatly damaged by the civil war, has been identified as a high priority for the Angolan Church.

Reverend Augusto Chipesse, General Secretary of the Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola, said many Dondi students had been sent away to neighboring schools by the government “due to the lack of schools and desks, as well as shortage of food.” AMSF has committed to bringing the Dondi Institute building up to government standards so that approximately 300 Angolan students will be able to attend school there. It is estimated that it will cost $12,000 (U.S.) to put a new roof on the Institute; this is just a beginning.

The organization agreed to “push the envelope” of their financial target so that anything received over and above present commitments would go toward helping the Angolan church restore some of the Dondi buildings which were destroyed in the 1975-2003 war.